Home > Garage Door Blog > How to Prepare for Residential Garage Door Installation

Garage Door Installation

It is an exciting time finally getting that ugly garage door replaced with something stylish or that better suits your needs. As the big day approaches, keep in mind the following tips for being prepared for the garage door installation team’s arrival. The installation will go smoother, quicker, and not result in problems you’d rather avoid.

  • Move vehicles. You do not want to leave your vehicles in the garage or even anywhere near the work area. If you don’t have somewhere you can park, plan to park at a nearby parking lot, parking garage or with a neighbor. You should also remove any belongings in the garage that would be in the way or could be damaged.
  • Keep pets and children away. Both can get underfoot and cause problems for the garage door installation team. In addition, they could be injured. Don’t forget that both can be curious, so take extra precautions to allow for this.
  • Be sure you’re available. The team will need you to provide them with access, so at the least you need to be present when they are getting started. A quality team won’t need supervision, so feel free to go about your normal daily activities but remain reachable in case any questions arise.
  • Confirm power is available. Not only will they need power to test the opener once your garage door installation is complete, but the installer may need power during the installation itself.
  • Get questions answered before installation. If you have any questions, it is best to get them addressed before the big day. The installation team may not have all the answers as they are involved only with the installation part.

Here at HLM Garage Doors & More, LLC, we want to make sure your residential garage door installation goes smoothly. We’ll be sure to go over what to expect ahead of time so that your experience is a good one.