Pay Extra Attention to These Four Critical Garage Door Repairs

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The average garage door opens and closes about 1,500 times yearly — more if it’s commercial. This constant movement puts enormous stress on various components, some more critical than others. And while routine maintenance can help prevent many issues, certain garage door repairs simply can’t wait.

Pay Extra Attention to These Four Critical Garage Door Repairs

Although you should never put off any garage door repair, our team here at HLM Garage Doors & More, LLC has identified four critical ones that will require your immediate attention:

  1. Spring Repair. Springs provide a crucial counterbalance to your garage door’s weight, facilitating smooth opening and closing. When they wear out or break, your door becomes immediately dangerous to operate. Additionally, you should never attempt DIY spring repairs, as the tension in these components can cause serious injury.
  1. Track and Roller Repair. The track system in your garage door setup guides the rollers, enabling the door’s movement. Bent tracks or worn-out rollers can cause your door to stick, make grinding noises, or operate unevenly. Such issues tend to strain other garage door components and can lead to complete system failure if not addressed promptly.
  1. Cable Repair. Cables work harmoniously with your springs, connecting one spring’s end to the other to distribute the door’s weight evenly. If they become too frayed or broken, they can cause the door to become unbalanced, exposing users to potential injuries.
  1. Sensor Repair. Sensors are crucial safety features in modern garage doors. They detect objects in a door’s path and automatically reverse its movement to avoid collisions. However, should they malfunction, the door will continue moving even when an obstacle is present, thus posing a significant safety risk.

Promptly addressing these critical repairs will ensure your garage door’s safety, security, and smooth operation. If you’ve encountered this or any other issue, don’t hesitate to contact us for a quick and professional garage door repair.