Are you currently experiencing garage door troubles? Do you feel as though your garage door isn’t working properly and it may be a danger to others? You may need an emergency garage door repair. Not sure if your issue is an emergency or not? Here are the top signs that you need an emergency garage door repair.
- Your Garage Door Won’t Open – If your garage door refuses to open, you may want to consider calling a professional for emergency garage door repair. You garage door not opening may be a result of broken springs or other components malfunctioning. If your vehicle is stuck in your garage, don’t hesitate to call us at HLM Garage Doors & More, LLC to come to your rescue.
- Broken Components – If you can physically see broken components within your garage door, call an emergency garage door repair professional as soon as possible. Broken components left unaddressed can lead to serious damage to not only your vehicle, but other belongings kept in your garage as well, which can be costly.
- Safety Issues – Any garage door issue could possibly comprise the safety of you and your family, so it’s important to address garage door malfunctions. An issue than can cause a major safety concern is malfunctioning sensors. A sensor that is not working properly could result in your garage door closing on your vehicle, pets, or even loved ones. If you notice your sensors are not working properly, contact an emergency garage door repair professional right away.
We hope this has guided you through the top signs that you need emergency garage door repair. If you have any questions regarding our emergency services, please contact us today at HLM Garage Doors & More, LLC.